Magdalena Daley
About me.
I'm a believer and a beloved
Dual citizen with a single mind
I'm a clinger to truth
and a singer since youth
I'm humming wherever I go
unless I'm whistling
I'm also wrestling
with the world and the word of God
Digging deeper and turning the soil
Rediscovering fountains of oil
Charlotte is the location
in time and space
but I'm living my life
before the throne of Grace
51 is the current number
attached to my name
but I am an eternal spirit
free from sin and guilt and shame
A mother of one
but a mother to many
I'm married to my husband
but I am the bride of Christ
This is my rooftop
where I will proclaim
what I hear in a whisper
It's all for his name
The de-clog Blog
The declog blog is here
To draw you near
To Truth and to Love and to Hope
My ramblings are scattered
Just like my brain
But His Word is eternal like fresh spring rain
I dig deep to the roots of Hebrew words
But look there's a squirrel and a beautiful bird
To draw you near
To Truth and to Love and to Hope
My ramblings are scattered
Just like my brain
But His Word is eternal like fresh spring rain
I dig deep to the roots of Hebrew words
But look there's a squirrel and a beautiful bird
I love trees. I crave being around them. It soothes my soul. I love hearing the wind playing in the leaves and seeing how the sunbeams get filtered through the branches in different patterns depending on the weather and the season. It’s comforting and calming to me. And up-lifting. Like a fresh breath of air to my soul, not just ...
Relax in the Name of Love
I have a unique gift of not remembering lyrics to songs. It’s quite astounding. I cannot even remember my own songs that I have written, but I always need cheat sheets (which is very hard to say for a Swedish person by the way – cheat sheet, cheat sheet, cheat sheet). I do remember certain phrases though and then I ...
Form versus Function
It’s time to walk on thin ice Thin air even His words are the bridge under my feet His very word A rock Unshakable Anything else would be insanity He’s the only safe place I want to walk on pillars of Fire There is no other way And the fire won’t burn my feet It will completely consume ...