I’ve come to a cross road
There’s a cross in the road
This is where the treasure is hidden
It’s marked out
But I need to do the digging
There’s no turning back
The road needs my commitment
My total commitment
Unto death
Actually it begins with death
I have to die
Before I even start
Because no flesh and blood can walk this road
“Die my friend
That’s the only way
Die to what’s been
Die to disappointment
Even die to your dreams
I’m the X-factor
I’m that circumstance
That quality
That person
That strong, unpredictable influence
That undefinable star quality
I’m the Factor X
Essential for the blood to clump together
for a wound to stop bleeding
Because you bruise easily”
This world is suffering from Factor X deficiency
A blood disorder that causes us to bleed longer
We need proper clotting
A clotting cascade
A reconciliation parade
The crossing over
Gaping gaps
X-ray our hearts
With your violent invisible
indivisible light
Featuring stars being torn apart by black holes
Galactic collisions
Stars that explode into space
Into the unknown
Knowing we are known
And loved
By you