It’s time to walk on thin ice
Thin air even
His words are the bridge under my feet
His very word
A rock
Anything else would be insanity
He’s the only safe place
I want to walk on pillars of Fire
There is no other way
And the fire won’t burn my feet
It will completely consume me
He’s called me to walk
Where there is no way
No Road
No Bridge
No Boat
It’s totally supernatural
That’s the only way
There’s nothing normal about it He’s called me to an abnormal lifestyle – in the eyes of the world
Because the norms of this world are rotten
There’s a new normal
It’s not formal
It’s not the form of godliness that denies His power. (2 Tim 3:5)
We’re living in a time of decline of the formal living room
Homeowners prioritize functional, flexible spaces and open floor plans
Form follows Function
Form is visual appearance
Function is the intended purpose something is designed to perform
Do you have a functioning faith?
Do not conform to the patterns of this world
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
A total reformation of how you think (Rom 12:2)
To be rather than to seem
Esse Quam Videri
The motto of North Carolina, 1775
Love <3